Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Wow! Where did 2014 and almost half of 2015 go? Is it true that the older you get the faster time passes by? I resist believing that theory. Hey I’m only 43! But I feel way younger and I’m not afraid to admit it. Do I appear younger? I don’t know but it doesn’t matter. They say and I choose to believe that “age is only a number” and that “the spirit never grows old”. What about the aches and pains I didn’t feel before? Naah! They came after my children were born which was just about 6 years ago. Age is not a factor or so I think.

Well, I realize that finding the time to sit down and write about life is quite challenging. At this moment my two little darlings are screaming their lungs out playing a game that I don't understand. He shouts yee-pee, ya-yay!!! And She screams "Nnoooo!".  I have asked them at least 10 times to stop screaming but it seems as though my voice is too low. They cannot hear me. I need a break and so I guess this is an attempt to get my mind somewhere else.

So much has happened since I last wrote about my quest for a beautiful life but honestly, when you are a dedicated housewife/mother of a 6 and 4 year old/care-provider/self-employed/entrepreneur; finding the means and time to document it is quite a struggle!

For the past year and a half I have learned from my experiences to “live one-day-a-time’. It hasn’t been an easy process! But I am getting there. How did I learn to do this? Well, I think it happened when I realized I was suffering anxiety and that I had stopped enjoying life.

I became aware about what anxiety is until a relative got her diagnosis. She went to the extreme of losing weight, pulling her hair and becoming paranoiac. Her life was falling apart. She honestly thought she was mentally ill and maybe anxiety is a mental illness I don’t know for sure. When I suffer anxiety my only symptoms are manifested by a feeling I cannot breathe deeply and I scratch my arms without noticing it. It’s until the next day when I see the scabs that I realize something happened. Now I know that I have suffered anxiety since I was about 11 or 12 years old maybe even younger than that but I grew up thinking that this was normal of a worrier type of kid  and somehow I learned how to manage it or cope with it. 
Three years ago I suffered my Mother’s passing and as much as I had tried to be strong and tried to live the normal life of a “new mom in her late 30’s “ my loss was extremely overwhelming and consequently worsened my anxiety which lead me my worst depression.

When the time for my annual check-up came up my Doctor obviously noticed and told me I had to do something about it. He said “I can give you a prescription for some pills that may calm you, I can refer you to a psychiatrist or you can choose to talk about it with someone perhaps a friend or even a Priest. Anxiety is something that only you can control”. I’m the type of person that will resort to a natural route first and if there is no other way only then I will consider medication. Besides, my Doctor suggested that alternative and I am so grateful for it.

Nowadays it is so hard to coincide with a friend for coffee and I really didn’t know how to approach a Priest to talk to. So those weren’t option for me. I had to become determined to get away from that overwhelming feeling of sadness. The question was how? How do you accept what cannot be changed? How do you find strength to keep going when the person that made you strong is no longer with you?

After much pondering I decided my only hope was to strengthen my relationship with God through his Son. Although I attend Church diligently every Sunday for almost a decade I needed to reinforce my relationship with our Creator. For now I have been trying my best to pay close attention to the liturgy and participate wholeheartedly during Mass. I pray more often and I have become more interested in my faith. Occasionally I watch a catholic channel. OK, I admit it I love Mother Angelica’s perspective! Hahaha!  I think it is true what they say “where there is a will there is a way”.
I want to re-emerge and this is working for me. I am still learning to accept that what I cannot change, this doesn’t and cannot happen overnight. Yep, it’s a work in progress. It is true that God works in mysterious ways. He has a plan for me and I trust my life to him.  For now I have learned to breathe and relax.

Monday, January 13, 2014


I saw my 3 year old daughter immersed in a world of her own one day. Her little right chubby hand held a pen tightly while racing through the lines of white paper. It was almost as if I could see her thoughts intertwining her beautiful copper locks of hair. I wanted to turn away but I was so intrigued by what she could be scribbling. God knows she has yet to learn her letters. As time stood still I watched her from afar, her white round face showed such seriousness that it only made me wonder what such a thought could stop an otherwise roll of thunder? When she was finally done, she comes to me with a sparkle in her eyes. She said “here mommy, I wrote this letter for you”. For me ? I asked, “Yes read it please”. She replied. I paused for a moment trying to put in words what she might have been thinking and so nervous that I might not read what she meant. I looked at her and told her “My Gosh! What beautiful a beautiful letter this is!...”it says”…then she interrupted to say “I love you very much Mommy, and I also love my Daddy, my brother and my dog who is now in heaven.

Vi a mi hija inmersa en su propio mundo un dia. Con su gordita mano derecha sostenia una pluma con tanta fuerza mientras correteaba las lineas de una hoja blanca. Tal parecia que podia ver sus pensamientos enredandose en sus hermosos rizos color cobre. Quise dejar de verla pero me quede intrigada acerca de los podria estar escribiendo. Dios sabe aun no aprende sus letras. El tiempo se detuve mientras la veia de lejos. Su redonda carita blanca mostraban una seriedad que solo me hacia imaginar. Que pensamiento podria detener a una niña que de otro modo seria un torbellino? Cuando por fin termino, se acerco a mi con un brillo en sus ojos. Me dijo “Ten Mami, escribi una carta para ti” “Para mi?”, le pregunte, “Si leela por favor”, me contesto. Me detuve un momento tratando de encontrar las palabras que pudo haber pensado y tan nerviosa de quiza no leer lo que ella quiso decir. La mire y le dije “Dios mio! Que carta tan hermosa es esta!...”Dice asi”…entonces me interrumpio para decirme “Te quiero mucho Mami, y tambien quiero a mi Papa, a mi hermano y a mi perro que ahora esta en el cielo.

Monday, January 6, 2014



My goal for this year, with God’s will, is to make this 2014 the most memorable one for me. At his point in my life I believe finally found myself and I like who I am. I am determined, persistent, diligent, loving, caring, mindful, and mature. Well these are all the adjectives that instantly come to mind. I could add many more but it is OK for only me to know. This year I will live my life in my own terms; living up to only my expectations which at times can be very demanding but I have learned self control and have never lost self-respect. This year I choose to live a JOYful life. JOY is the word that I will live by. Although it will be challenging it shall not be impossible. Sometimes we let the world overwhelm us, we let it take over our lives and the outcome is rarely a positive one .

It is true that the simplest things in life are the ones that make our lives worth living. There are so many little-BIG things that we sometimes forget to acknowledge. For instance, that beautiful smile that comes from your children when they wake up before you do or that sparkle in the eyes of your significant other when returning from work. Isn’t it what we should cherish the most?

I thank God everyday for his enormous love, for my husband and my children who remind me that there is JOY is the simplest things in life.


Mi meta para este año, primeramente Dios, es hacer de este 2014 el mas memorable para mi. A estas alturas de mi vida creo que finalmente me conozco y me gusta quien soy. Soy determinada, persistente, diligente, amorosa, preocupada y madura.Buenos todos estos son los adjetivos que al instante vienen a mi mente. Podria agregar muchos mas pero es suficiente con que yo los sepa. Este año lo vivire bajo mis terminos, viviendo solo a la altura de mis expectativas las cuales a veces puedne ser muy exigentes pero he aprendido a controlarme y nunca he perdido el respeto a mi misma. Este año decido vivir una vida JUBILOsa. JUBILO sera la palabra que describa mi vida. Aunque sera un reto no sera imposible. A veces dejamos que el mundo nos agobie y que tome el poder de nuestras vidas y las consecuencias raramente son positivas.

Es cierto que las cosas simples en la vida son las que le dan valor a nuestras vidas. Hay GRANDES cosa PEQUEÑAS que a veces olvidamos reconocer. Por ejemplo, esa sonrisa de tus hijo cuando se despiertan antes que tu o ese brillo en los ojos de tu pareja cuando regresa del trabajo. No es esto lo que deberiamos valorar mas?

Le agradezco a Dios todos los dias por su enorme amor, por mi esposo y por mis hijos quienes me recuerdan que existe Jubilo en las cosas mas simples de la vida.

Monday, August 26, 2013


My little girl is so persistent! At two years old she can be a pebble in your shoe when she wants her way. I had no choice but to let her make a sandwich to her liking. These three ingredients are absolutely necessary for her: white mayonnaise, yellow mayonnaise? and mustard.
Here it is for us to remember.

"Her first DIY sandwich".

......................................these moments make my life beautiful.

Mi hija es tan persistente! A sus 2 añitos puede ser una piedrita en el zapato cuando se propone algo. No me quedó mas remedio que dejarla preparse un sandwich a su gusto. Estos tres ingredientes son absolutamente necesarios para ella: mayonesa de la blanca, mayonesa de la amarilla? y mostaza.
Aqui queda para el recuerdo.

"Su primer sandwich preparado por ella misma".

.....................................estos momentos hace mi vida bella.

Friday, August 23, 2013


My Fig tree has been giving fruit since July. I am amazed that it has been able to produce this wonderful fruit since I hardly care for it!

I just tried some and can't get enough, they are so sweet and hearty!

I'm sure glad Figs have so many these health benefits. Here are some just to name a few.
  • Low caloric food; 3 to 4 medium sized figs weigh about 100 grams equivalent to only 74 calories.
  • They provide natural soluble fiber.
  • Dried figs are a great source of minerals, vitamins (A,E & k), and pigment anti-oxidants that protect us from cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

Mi arbol de higos esta dando fruto desde Julio. Es increible como a podido productir esta hermosa fruta ya que casi no lo cuido!
Acabo de probar unos y quiero mas, son tan dulces y carnosos!
Me alegra que los Higos tengan tantos beneficios para la salud. He aqui tan solo unos cuantos.
  • Comida baja en calorias 3 o 4 Higos pesan aproximadamente 100 gramos equivalente a tan solo 74 calorias.
  • Proveen fibra natural soluble.
  • Los Higos secos son una gran fuente de minerales, vitaminas (A,E y K) y contiene antioxidantes que nos protegen del cancer, diabetes y otras enfermedades.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This is my first official DIY post! My son turned 5 years old a few days ago and decided 10 weeks ahead that his b-day party should be LEGO CITY themed. At first I thought I could buy everything one week at a time but with a tight budget (as I am sure most stay at home moms are) I chose to craft as much as I could. I started with the party favor boxes. It's amazing how much money you can save doing things yourself, of course,  if you take your time to do it.
Este es mi primer nota de manualidades! Mi hijo cumplio 5 años hace unos dias y 10 semanas antes decidió que su fiesta de cumpleaños fuera con el tema de LEGO CITY. Al principio pensé que podia comprar todo semana por semana pero con un presupuesto apretado (como seguramente la mayoria de las amas de casa lo tienen) decidí hacer yo misma lo mas que pude. Comenzé con la bolsita de dulces. Es asombroso cuanto dinero te puedes ahorrar haciendo las cosas tu mismo, claro, si te tomas el tiempo para hacerlo.



10 packs of boxes (6 ea) surplus/10 paquetes de cajitas (6c/u) precio de saldo $     5.00
ketchup cups (250 pcs)/ vasitos para ketchup (250 piezas)                               $   4.00
Spray Paint (9 cans)/Pintura de Spray                                                               $11.25

I made 50 favor boxes. So my cost came up to about .40 cents ea. box. Not bad for a $ 5.00 aprox. cost if you buy them from a party supplier if you get a good deal. Huge Saving!  Do the math!
Hice 50 cajitas. Asi que mi costo fue de $ .40 por caja. Nada mal para un costo aprox de $ 5.00 is las compras con algun surtidor de fiestas y a buen precio. Gran Ahorro! Has cuentas!


Step 1: Glue Ketchup Cups upside down with a glue gun to the top of the cap. Let Dry.
Paso 1: Pegar los vasitos boca abajo con pistola de goma a la tapa de la caja. Deja Secar.
Step 2: Spray paint cap and box separately. Let Dry overnight.
Paso 2: Pintar la tapa por separado de la caja. Dejar secar durante la noche.
Step 3: Assemble Lego Box
Paso 3: Ensamblar la caja.

The guests enjoyed the surpise inside! Also, DIY that I will share later. Los invitados disfrutaron la sorpresa dentro de la caja! Tambien una manualidad que luego les compartire.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Perennial Beauty
What makes us beautiful? That’s easy! Just grab a team of a good makeup artist, a good hairdresser and a good stylist to take care of the matter. In a few hours you can beautiful. Yeah, well that kind of beauty will last as long as you can retouch your makeup and keep your hairdo. Easily it fades away. So how can we achieve true beauty? I vividly recall once when I was walking through my neighborhood sidewalk, trying to keep in shape perhaps, (I’ve been self-conscious about my shape since I was about 8 years old). I came across a young woman who must have been in her early 20’s. She was barefoot, wearing a long brown skirt, a grey knit blouse with her sleeves scrunched to her elbows. She wore no jewelry, had short black wavy hair, no make-up. She was joyfully chasing a baby bunny when she stumbled upon me and gazed at me with a beautiful smile. Her beauty shocked simple, yet stunning! I thought to myself….”I want to be like her”. How can that be? Why? A simple woman, no shoes, no fancy clothing, NO MAKEUP! It took me a while to realize that she embodied a gracious, joyful, friendly, and generous spirit and this made her beautiful; a perennial beauty indeed. 
What do you think is true beauty?
Que nos hace bellos? Es facil! Solo consigue un equipo de maquillista, un buen peinado y un buen estilista y te puedes encargar del asunto. En tan solo unas horas seras bella. Si, pues ese tipo de belleza solo perdura mientras puedas retocar tu maquillaje y tu peinado. Facilmente se deshace. Entonces como podemos conseguir la verdadera belleza? Recuerdo muy vivamente cuando mientras caminaba por mi vecindario, tal vez haciendo ejercicio para conservar mi figura (esto me preocupa desde los 8 años). Me encontré con una joven que a lo mejor estaba en sus 20's. Estaba descalza, usaba una falda larga de color cafe, una blusa gris con sus mangas encogidas al codo. No traia joyeria, usaba pelo corto negro, nada de maquillaje. Muy divertida correteaba un conejito cuando se tropezo conmigo y me mro con una hermosa sonrisa. Su belleza me impresiono....tan simple y al mismo tiempo asombrosa. Pensé..."quiero ser como ella". Como puede ser? Porque? Una simple chica, sin zapatos, sin ropa sofisticada. SIN MAQUILLAJE! Me tomo un tiempo comprender que ella encarnaba un espiritu gracioso, alegre, amigable y generoso y eso la hacia hermosa; una belleza perenne en verdad. 
Tu que cress que es la belleza verdadera?