I saw my 3 year old daughter
immersed in a world of her own one day. Her little right chubby hand held a pen
tightly while racing through the lines of white paper. It was almost as if I
could see her thoughts intertwining her beautiful copper locks of hair. I
wanted to turn away but I was so intrigued by what she could be scribbling. God
knows she has yet to learn her letters. As time stood still I watched her from
afar, her white round face showed such seriousness that it only made me wonder
what such a thought could stop an otherwise roll of thunder? When she was
finally done, she comes to me with a sparkle in her eyes. She said “here mommy,
I wrote this letter for you”. For me ? I asked, “Yes read it please”. She
replied. I paused for a moment trying to put in words what she might have been
thinking and so nervous that I might not read what she meant. I looked at her
and told her “My Gosh! What beautiful a beautiful letter this is!...”it says”…then
she interrupted to say “I love you very much Mommy, and I also love my Daddy,
my brother and my dog who is now in heaven.
Vi a
mi hija inmersa en su propio mundo un dia. Con su gordita mano derecha sostenia
una pluma con tanta fuerza mientras correteaba las lineas de una hoja blanca.
Tal parecia que podia ver sus pensamientos enredandose en sus hermosos rizos
color cobre. Quise dejar de verla pero me quede intrigada acerca de los podria
estar escribiendo. Dios sabe aun no aprende sus letras. El tiempo se detuve
mientras la veia de lejos. Su redonda carita blanca mostraban una seriedad que
solo me hacia imaginar. Que pensamiento podria detener a una niña que de otro
modo seria un torbellino? Cuando por fin termino, se acerco a mi con un brillo
en sus ojos. Me dijo “Ten Mami, escribi una carta para ti” “Para mi?”, le
pregunte, “Si leela por favor”, me contesto. Me detuve un momento tratando de
encontrar las palabras que pudo haber pensado y tan nerviosa de quiza no leer lo
que ella quiso decir. La mire y le dije “Dios mio! Que carta tan hermosa es
esta!...”Dice asi”…entonces me interrumpio para decirme “Te quiero mucho Mami,
y tambien quiero a mi Papa, a mi hermano y a mi perro que ahora esta en el
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